Grow your business without compromise 24/7.

Live Chat Alternative allows customers to start personal voice conversation with your business directly from your website. Customers can call your phone numbers without the need to install any software. The call is completely free of charge!

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30,000+ companies use the Live Chat Alternative for growth

See our advantages VS traditional Live Chat systems

Live Chat Alternative connects you to the right site visitors! Via Voice and Phone.
live chat alternative vs traditional live chat solutions

The #1 Business Communication tool
for you and your customers

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Revitalize Your Business After The Covid-19

✔ Speak with online customers as if you are face to face while socially distancing.

Receive questions and respond faster.

Fuel your sales like never before!

Get started in LESS than 5 minutes with 3 EASY steps:

1. Sign up!
2. Copy / Paste code to your site.
3. Set up the time frame your business is open to take calls

The Best Live Chat Software

With the Live Chat Alternative, we’ve seen 30% revenue growth quarter over quarter and now have implemented the service to all our company websites.

live chat alternative testimonial
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Purchasing traditional LiveChat software will uncover hidden costs like chat agents’ salaries and others. In differentiation to it, Live Chat Alternative utilizes your existing telephone lines to increase your sales volume without making changes in your staff’s daily routine and without the necessity of hiring new people.